What is Love? - Chapter 4 - Anonymous - Sonic the Hedgehog (2025)

Chapter Text

Shadow's Civic came to a screeching halt as he arrived at the convienance store. The sound of his car breaking made a crack in the store's windows. Shadow isn't what you'd call a "car guy". He cared very little about maintaining his ride. As long as it can run, why bother? He only drives his car when he feels the need to. Usually when he and Sonic go out together. Normally they watch a movie, eat some dinner, and then make sweet, hedgie love in the backseat. frequents this establishment quite a lot. For one, it was close without being 'too close'. And second, because its the cheapest place for the grumpy hedgehog to get his favorite brand of cigs. As for everything else they sold, it was pure waltzed in as though he has a life time to spend in there. Normally he just demands his cigs, pays, and leaves. But not today. Shadow was still feeling crumby and he wanted to take his time. Shadow began to walk sluggishly around the aisles. He paid close attention to every item he passed, though he really didn't give a damn.

Aisle 1 was mostly horrid tasting potato chips, obvious knock offs of name brand chips. So he swung around to the next . Shadow sighed. 'Why are condoms always beside the candy'? He was baffled. Any other day he wouldn't have given two shits. But not today. He looked intensely at the colorfully wrapped condoms. Some were flavored, others had designs, and they even had glow-in-the-dark condoms! How useful are condoms that glow in the dark? chuckled. These condoms were poorly made and would surely get any girl knocked up. He only imagined if Amy was a victim to poorly manufactured birth control. The thought cheered him up for a few moments until he decided to move eyes were glued to the bottom shelf as he shuffled his feet along the aisle. Shadow thought he was the only one present at this ungodly hour, or he would have been paying attention to where he was going. He bumped shoulders with another consumer who was deep in thought over which candy to buy.

"uh, sorry." Shadow forced an apology unto the hooded hedgehog. The other didn't speak, causing Shadow to take the matter further. He leaned in close to the other boy and noticed a familiar face underneath. He knew by the amethyst eyes and emerald fur that it was Manic, Sonic's brother. Shadow couldn't stop staring as Manic pulled a bud from his ear,"what?" He spoke as though he were asleep. His music was loud. Shadow could hear it clearly, some punk band."um." Shadow couldn't find the words to form a normal sentence, so he uttered the first phrase that came to mind, "do you use glow-in-the-dark condoms?" He felt like a total idiot."uh, no. . .do I know you?""not intimately.""o...kay?" Manic's eyes trailed off, "well, I should be going. Bye, I guess."

"wait!" Shadow grabbed his arm,"we should hang...maybe?" He blushed as he finished his sentence. He didn't know what was wrong with him."sure." He pulled out a small scrap of paper from his pocket and a pen he always kept handy. Quickly, he scribed down a group of numbers and a heart. Manic handed the piece of to Shadow, "call me, we can totallu do stuff.""I like stuff!""yeah, me too." Manic backed away,"bye." Shadow waived as Manic walked out the door. What was he thinking?

Shadow is planning on breaking up with Sonic. Is he really considering leaving Sonic for Manic? Sonic's own brother? The ebony hedgehog gave himself a light slap on the cheek. He couldn't be serious. "Friends…" he murmured silently. "After me and Sonic break up, we can still be friends. And I'll be friends with Manic too." Shadow trotted out of the store without his cigarettes. "Just friends."

He sat back in the driver's seat of his car and sighed, "Manic has the same jaw line as Sonic." He said, remembering the first time Sonic and he kissed. It was gentle, like something you'd see in one of those kid friendly movies. Shadow loved caressing Sonic's jaw line when they kissed, he never noticed it till now.

He laid his head against the steering wheel, "I wonder if Manic's a good kisser. . ." Shadow thought, trying to be innocent. Manic and Sonic were fairly similar. They liked a lot of the same things and responded similarly a lot of time. But the two brothers also had their differences as well. Manic was more naïve than Sonic could ever be. Shadow remembered how Sonic would almost always mention his little brother. Sonic is very over protective of Manic because of how naïve and trusting he can be. Shadow loved how faithful Sonic was to Manic. He would never let Manic get hurt. And with that logic, Sonic would never allow Manic to date with Shadow.

When Shadow looked into Manic's eyes a few minutes ago his heart skipped a beat, the same way when he and Sonic first kissed. It was almost like falling in love again. Shadow has enough problems with trying to break it with Sonic, he really doesn't need to be crushing on Sonic's younger brother. Maybe a cold shower would help.

Shadow put the key in the ignition and tried to start the car. This time it took a few tries for the old Civic to actually start. Just great, Shadow thought. "Maybe I really should look into getting this metal death trap fixed." He pulled out with a groan and headed back home. His eyes were bouncing from every angle, maybe he really did a shower.

Shadow's mind was going back and forth between situations. Should he break up with Sonic? Should he date Manic? Or could he have both of them? He was more confused now than ever. He was starting to regret ever leaving his apartment. What more could happen today?

He arrived at his 'home sweet home' halting to a crooked park in two different spaces. Shadow jumped out of the Civic and rushed to door. He checked his hand every few steps to make sure he still had Manic's number. If Sonic wasn't there he decided he would go a head and give Manic a call. And if Sonic was there he was going to hit the shower. As of right now he decided his plan was good enough, he just didn't plan out after his shower.

He slammed the door open. Sonic was not in the living room, nor the kitchen. Shadow's eyes wondered and began to check every room in the place. No Sonic. Shadow gave a small grin, normally he was displeased when Sonic wasn't around. But right now he just wanted some alone time.

Shadow grabbed his phone and dropped himself on the couch. He pressed each number slowly, making sure he hit the right buttons. It was good. He pressed the green call button. With each ring his heart raced a little faster. He was nervous, anxious, was he in the wrong for calling him?

"Hello?" Manic's mellow voice rang in Shadow's ear. It was sweet, and tasted of boredom. Shadow felt like his heart was about to explode.

"Uh, hi?" Shadow swallowed his negative thoughts. He knew he had to be positive. He was doing anything bad. He was just talking. That is all.

"Who's this?"

"Shadow, remember I bumped into at the store awhile ago?"

"Oh yeah, what's up?"


"Still thinking about those glow-in-the-dark condoms?" Manic asked with a slight giggle.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I don't know why I said that."

"It's okay my brother says some pretty odd stuff too."

"Oh? Who's your brother?" He asked, trying to be coy.

"Sonic, do you know him?"

"Not really. . .I've heard of him but I don't really know him." Shadow blushed, "So do you have any plans for today?"

"Well me and my brother were supposed to go do something, but he bailed."

"That sucks, what was so important?"

"His girlfriend. She's been busy so they haven't had much time together. So yeah."

"I see. . .do you wanna hang out?" Shadow toyed with one of his quills awaiting Manic's response.

What is Love? - Chapter 4 - Anonymous - Sonic the Hedgehog (2025)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 6155

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.